Groomers are creative artists who work in the fur medium. Like other artists, we can (and arguably should) create a portfolio of our work. A portfolio can be a physical or digital collection representing your work, qualifications, experience, and any accolades or certifications you may have acquired. Assembling a portfolio will help you build your brand, and it can be used to attract new customers or gain new employment. It also can show a remarkable timeline of how your skills have grown and progressed throughout your working time.
By beginning a portfolio and building upon it as you gain experience, you will have a tangible representation of your work to show to potential customers or employers. It can be as simple as a photo album that contains printed images of your work, copies of certificates, letters of thanks from clients, and similar things to an online digital presence. A portfolio will tell the story of your grooming career.
To begin with, decide if you prefer to create an actual or virtual project. You may start simply with a physical album and later build it into an online venture if you decide that would be more advantageous. Whichever you choose, focus on showing your best work.
Start with clear, sharp images of your grooming. If you don’t have any you are proud of, dedicate some time each day to taking pictures of your work. You can use apps (Photoroom is a good one, but others are available. Check some out and see what looks good to you. They can removebackground clutter if you don’t have a dedicated place to photograph pets. Think creatively when you take pictures. Don’t just show profile shots of standing dogs; go for some close-ups of faces or a tight shot of a perfectly shaved poodle foot. Take a selfie of a dog giving you a slurpy kiss, or show a freshly groomed dog taking a peaceful snooze while waiting for its human.
If your grooming skills are better than your photographic skills, consider contacting a local high school or college to see if any photography students would be interested in working with you to capture some great pictures of your work. They may work for free to build up their portfolio or for a nominal fee. They will have access to high-quality photographic equipment and know how to frame your work to make it look the best.
If you want to begin with a virtual project, check out AI programs (Wix is one example, but there are many) that can create a portfolio quickly for even novice users with no knowledge of coding needed!
A professional portfolio shows that you take your career seriously and can be a powerful marketing tool. It can also help you see your personal growth and set future goals.