Pet schnauzers comprise a high percentage of dogs on many groomer's tables. These sturdy little terriers can be fun bread-and-butter dogs to style, but those signature eyebrows can be a little tricky to perfect.
Here are some simple tricks to help you nail the shape and style every time.
- Employ directional washing when you wash and prep the dog. This means that when washing the face, direct the water flow so the hair points where you want the finished brows to lie.
- After towel drying, protect the eyes with one hand and add a touch of pet-friendly mousse with the other. Then, carefully comb the brows so they lie correctly.
- Direct the airflow as you dry so the brows stay positioned and do not fly around.
- Style it as usual once the pet is dried, brushed, and combed.
- Check if the dog has thick hair sticking up at the inner corners of the eyes. If it does, you can let this grow out so it lies smoothly. Alternatively, you may trim it closely with your shears or barely touch your trimmer to the area to smooth that spot out. (Pro tip: do NOT shave the bridge of the nose!)
- Lift the brow hair and examine the dog's lashes. If they are long, their stiff texture may interfere with how the brow hair smooths over the eye. Many groomers choose to carefully trim the lashes short.
- You are ready to create brow magic once these steps are done.
- When trimming the brows, you will need a fine-toothed comb, a curved shear and a spritz of hairspray.
- Comb the brows forward. Protecting the eyes with one hand, spritz a bit of hairspray on the coat. Comb into position.
- Gently hold the dog's head still and place the top edge of your scissor at the outer corner of the eye so the tip is pointing towards the center of the dog's nose.
- The goal is to capture as much brow hair as possible with one snip. Be bold! Making multiple cuts can create styling problems that are hard to fix.
- Comb the brow again and trim errant hairs that avoided your first effort.
- A second spritz of hairspray might be needed. It helps hold the hair in place while you trim it.
- Repeat this process with the other eye.
Setting the brow with directional water and airflow, using holding products, and a well-placed curved shear can leave you standing back and admiring your work on every schnauzer trim you do.