Metro Top Gun Stand Dog Dryer Accessory Kit


Turn your stand pet dryer into a force or cage pet dryer in seconds with this Metro Top Gun Stand Dryer Accessory Kit. Also includes a grooming rake.

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This Accessory Kit for the Metro Top Gun Stand Dryer includes a reducer attachment, a 6-foot hose, an air concentrator, a groomer rake, an air flare, and a cage dryer attachment.

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This Accessory Kit for the Metro Top Gun Stand Dryer includes a reducer attachment, a 6-foot hose, an air concentrator, a groomer rake, an air flare, and a cage dryer attachment.

 Shipping Info: This item is not eligible for free or discounted shipping. It is shipped directly from the manufacturer. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.


More Information
UPC 31275072560
Brand MetroVac
Product Grouping National
ERP Status Active

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