Artero Matt-X Dematter 10.1oz


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Spray conditioner created to help remove mats and knots more quickly and gently.
Saves time, money, and coat!
Thanks to the non-greasy, antistatic formula, thi

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Spray conditioner created to help remove mats and knots more quickly and gently.
Saves time, money, and coat!
Thanks to the non-greasy, antistatic formula, this conditioner aids brushing and leaves the coat silky smooth.
Before the bath, spray directly into matt/tangles until wet to the touch. Allow to sit in coat for 20 seconds to have best results. Brush and be amazed!
Can also be used as a brushing spray, but be sure to only use a fine mist. Using more than a fine mist requires being washed out, as it is a very moisturizing de-tangler.
More Information
UPC 8435037100218
Brand Artero
Product Grouping National
ERP Status Active

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