Notes From The Grooming Table 2nd Edition


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The exceptional Notes From The Grooming Table, 2nd Edition resource book was written by 20-year veteran groomer and master stylist Melissa Verplank. This illustrated guide provides over 600 pages of detailed information on bathing, clipping, brushing, scisssoring, carding, and many other grooming techniques.

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Winner of the 2016 Barkleigh Honors Award for Book of the Year.

The newly revised Notes From The Grooming Table, 2nd Edition includes 145 more pages with over fifty new breeds recognized by American Kennel Club, two new coat types, an expanded tool and equipment section, updated breed styles, and a complete index.

Notes from the Grooming Table (Second Edition) has set the industry standard for dog grooming reference guides.  Step-by-step instructions and beautiful, easy to follow illustrations have made this book indispensable for groomers and stylists worldwide.  Written by esteemed stylist, speaker, and judge, Melissa Verplank (CMG) and featuring gorgeous illustrations by renowned wildlife artist Lisa Van Sweden, this amazing guide is based on Ms. Verplank’s 30 years of experience and expert grooming skills.  Notes from the Grooming Table has put thousands on the path to beautiful grooming.

• basic pet grooming techniques for over 200 AKC recognized breed standards
• complete index to making searching even easier
• completely remastered tools and equipment section, including new information on shears, brushes, clippers, stripping tools, and so much more
• new metal guard comb section
• updated clipper blade length guide
• bathing and drying sections, including amazing instructions and illustrations
• historic function and design of each dog group
• detailed sections on classic Poodle and drop coat styles

Topics include general anatomy, tools and equipment, bathing, drying, clipping, brushing, scissoring, carding, hand stripping, nails and ears, feet and pads, and bathing directions for each coat type. 640 pages, spiral bound, soft cover.

Paperback, 640 pages

Watch the informative video below to see how to use Notes from the Grooming Table and how it can help you improve your grooming!

Books, videos and DVDs are not returnable unless defective, in which case they will be replaced with the same title.

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UPC 9780692658079
Brand Paragon
Product Grouping National
ERP Status Active

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